Holy Fire Karuna Reiki

Rei means “God’s Wisdom” and Ki translates to “life force energy.”

Reiki is a stress-reduction and relaxation technique that can also promote healing.

This gentle practice can bring harmony, balance, and an overall sense of well-being in the physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies. Reiki healing energy is available to all people regardless of race, religious association, healing practice, spiritual development, etc. It is a free universal energy all have the ability to access and develop.

Nina offers Reiki Training Initiation to empower individuals to heal themselves, step into wholeness, and offer the gift of Reiki to others.


Open the doors of perception. Becoming a Reiki practitioner isn’t solely for those wanting to practice and offer energy balancing work. Reiki opens us to deeper parts of our multidimensional self and world, it can aid in spiritual maturation, and help assist the embodiment of your unique soul gifts.

Reiki students that have completed their Reiki Degree 2 Training have the option of becoming an Aurea Mystica team member! Aurea Mystica is a Foundation for the Healing and Devotional Arts, and we are here to serve your practice and growth as a Reiki practitioner. More info coming soon!



Who is Reiki 1 for?

Reiki 1 Training is for anyone interested in energy balancing. It is for young adults and elders alike. This level of training is suitable for beginners with no prior experience in Reiki or energy work. It is ideal for individuals who are curious about alternative healing modalities, holistic wellness, and spiritual growth.

Holy Fire Ignition as a Spiritual Initiation

Reiki Degree 1 will open a new dimension of yourself, the world of energy, and will ignite your healing and spiritual journeys.

It is not solely for those that want to facilitate energy balancing as a service, but also for individuals that simply desire to step into their multi-dimensional self and soul gifts.

What's Included?

After your Reiki 1 Training you will start to feel an opening of your own energy channels, and become proficient in self-reiki.

This is a 12-hour in-person group training, extending over 2 consecutive days, 6-hours each day.

Investment: $488.

2-part payment plans of $250 each are available for those who need it, with payments completed by the final day of training.

For those of you who would like to mentor and dive into the deeper realms with Nina, Reiki Mentorship is available. See Options below.

We will dive into:

  • Finding your unique energy stamp and heart frequency.

  • Understanding energy and frequency, and how this relates to our well-being.

  • Chakras, meridian lines, and the aura/energy field, opening your energetic channels

  • Reiki history

  • Your lineage of Reiki, and the different types of Reiki

  • Nervous system basics and how to work with it

  • The standard Reiki session hand positions.

  • Giving a complete Reiki session for self and others.

  • Japanese Reiki Techniques, as taught by Usui Sensei including: Gassho meditation, Reiji-ho - developing your intuition, Byosen Scanning - detecting where Reiki is needed, Gyoshi ho - sending Reiki with the eyes, Kenyoku - dry bathing or clearing one's energy field.

  • Hayashi Healing Guide

  • Energy break

  • Reiki 1 power symbol and how to integrate it into your life and practice.

  • Working with frequency, plant allies, and other healing modalities.

  • Setting sacred space

  • Moving through life as a living prayer

  • Intro to Spiritual Biz: Reiki Code of Ethics, Legalities, Marketing, pricing, attracting clients, staying authentic and with integrity with yourself and your clients 

  • Spiritual Guides and Mentors 

  • Changes that can happen as you open deeper to Reiki

Students will receive the 177 page "Reiki, The Healing Touch, First and Second Degree Manual" by William Lee Rand.



Holy Fire Reiki Degree 2 Training is designed to empower practitioners with intermediate-advanced techniques, symbols, and methods for deepening their healing practice, and cultivating Reiki both for themselves and others.

It is a significant step forward in the journey of becoming a skilled, proficient, and compassionate Reiki facilitator.

What's Included?

Reiki 2 is a single day, 6-hour training.

Holy Fire begins to work with opening and strengthening your central channel. It aids in deepening your dharma soul purpose and unique medicine as a healer and energetic guide.

What we'll dive into:

  • receive the mental/emotional symbol and distance healing symbol

  • how to work with the new symbols, applying them to every-day life and your sessions

  • learn how to facilitate a distance Reiki session

  • facilitate group Reiki

It is required for all students to receive Holy Fire Reiki 1 Ignition before receiving Reiki 2 Training. 

If you received Reiki 1 from a different teacher, please email Nina to discuss proper protocol as you deepen your Reiki practice.



Dive into the the esoteric and exoteric realms of the healing arts.

One-to-one mentorship is available for the overachiever student that is ready to go all in.

Length of mentorship depends on what level you are at (Degree 1, 2, or Master Level), and what your intentions are.

Mentorship is available part in-person, part virtual, and offered completely virtual for those not local to Nina's current location.

  • Receive access to Nina Monday-Friday via Telegram voice-note coaching.

  • Receive 1:1 Reiki Sessions and ThetaHealing to overcome blocks

  • Receive compassionate, direct, detailed feedback on your facilitator-ship

  • Option for in-person internship

  • For the deepening of your own Reiki cultivation and journey into self-healing, self-love, and self awareness.

    Three-week mentorship includes:

    • One virtual 90-min Energy Session with Nina to clarify your soul journey

    • One recorded 30-min “Guided Self-Reiki Session”

    • Monday-Thursday Telegram voice notes for reflection, accountability, mini transmissions, coaching, and support.

    Investment: $484

    This is our bare minimum Reiki Mentorship option with Nina.

  • For those called to share the gift of Reiki. A mentorship to illuminate your unique soul gifts, and authentic Reiki sessions, deepen your skill set, capabilities, and capacity. Receive the “tips & tricks” to Nina’s energy balancing practice.

    Mentorship includes:

    • One virtual 90-min Energy Session with Nina to clarify your soul journey

    • One recorded 30-min “Guided Self-Reiki Session”

    • Monday-Thursday Telegram voice notes for reflection, accountability, mini transmissions, coaching, and support.

    • Become an Aurea Mystica “Reiki Angel” and receive a “Reiki Intern” title to begin online bookings. Keep your title here until you’ve given 6 virtual sessions. Use telegram to report how sessions went & receive feedback.

    • 1 virtual Reiki session with a client evaluated with supportive feedback.

    • Give Nina 1 virtual session for feedback, coaching, and support.

    • Upon completion of mentorship, “Reiki Interns” can move to the “Intermediate Reiki Professional” title, joining our booking system, Aurea Mystica team, and Aurea Luz Membership with continued education and kindred community.

    Starting Investment:

    $747/ 4-week bare minimum

    Recommended Intern Mentorship length is 12-weeks.

    To apply for this mentorship you must have completed Reiki Degree 2, or have a training scheduled and completed with Nina during your mentorship.

  • Complete Reiki 1 & 2 Training, while receiving intimate guidance, and one-on-one sessions in between trainings and after Reiki 2.

    Mentorship Includes:

    • Reiki 1 & 2 Training

    • 21-Days of Reiki & Soul inclusions

    • Reiki Intern Mentorship Inclusions

    • 3 Energy Sessions with Nina

    Minimum required length is 3-months

    Investment: tbd upon how long your container is, and if you add on extra classes or one-on-one sessions.


Holy Fire Karuna Reiki Master Teacher Training

Deepening your commitment to your personal and spiritual development, expanding esoteric knowledge and skills within the realms of energy balancing.

From healing, to wholeness, to holiness.

Holy Fire Karuna Reiki Master Training is an advanced level of Reiki training that builds upon the teachings of traditional Usui Reiki and Holy Fire Reiki. It introduces practitioners to the Karuna Reiki® system, which is known for its emphasis on compassion, healing, and spiritual growth.

This training is for the Reiki initiate that has completed Reiki 1 and 2 degrees, and has served extensive time cultivating Reiki individually, and for others.

For inquiry, please schedule a Discovery Call with Nina to discuss details.

Nina Born


Nina was trained under the Usui Reiki lineage completing Reiki 1 and 11 in 2020. She completed her Holy Fire Karuna Reiki Master Teacher training in 2022. Nina uses Reiki healing and balancing energy in all of her treatments including 1on1 and group sessions, in Sound Healing, ThetaHealing, and Embodied Movement. Holy Fire Reiki is infused into all that she does and is a lifestyle.

What Students are Saying