Womb Embodiment Mentorships

For the Restoration of your Feminine Body, Rejuvenation of your Wellspring, and Symphonic harmony of your Soul Song.

Mentorship for Initiates that are ready to deepen into unwavering Intimate Union with their Mystical and super natural Femininity.


  • Heart Womb Coherence

  • Stargate of the Womb

  • Safety in the Garden of Truth

  • Alchemical Feminine Body

  • Resting in Receivership

  • Co-Creational Matrix

  • Union with Soma, Soul, Source

  • The Rare & Genuine Jewel

  • Oracle Arts

Session Work:

  • Oracular Transmission

  • Holy Fire Reiki

  • ThetaHealing & Hypnosis

  • Somatic Movement

  • Voice Activation

  • Esoteric Study

  • Womb Entrainment

  • Integration Work

  • Telegram Support

Sacred Pathways of Mentorship

  • Entering the Rose Garden

    A 6-week sojourn into the Way of the Womb. Revitalizing feminine foundations in our womb, heart, beingness, and nature.

    “I am immaculate love. I am creational love. I am a rare woman.”

  • Stargate of the Womb

    A 12-week spiral into the stargate of the womb, and introductory space to vocal activation and Voice of the Womb entrainment.

    “I bloom into my feminine nature. I tune to the song of my soul. I am in union with soma and soul.”

  • Oracle Arts

    A 24-week total transformation stabilizing feminine foundations, fluent with the stargate of your womb, tuned and toned vessel of Love, and intimate relationship to your alchemical feminine body and soul’s potential.

    “I am One with the Mystery. My life is a devotional testimony of symphonic, creational Love. I am that I am.”

The path to re-membering and becoming the Rare and Genuine Jewel is as unique and authentic as the rare jewel herself.

Mentorship is not limited to the criteria of:

For those called to walk the spiral rose womb path with Nina, but have a different dance, we have options for you.

Within your mentorship container, consider the following:

  • minimum 6-week requirement

  • focus on specific themes to you such as:

  • trauma healing, ancestral healing, past life resolve, spiritual disciplinary practice, defining and dancing towards your soul goals, more time for integration weeks, Telegram processing weeks, etc.

Personalized mentorships are available for those with a clear vision of where they desire to be.

Mentorships require a minimum 6-week commitment.

Email AureaMystica@gmail.com to inquire about your mentorship including a detailed list of what you are looking for and why you would like to work with Nina.